Creating Magic on a 1LTC Vacation
There is a magical element to every One Love trip. We take you to a place far, far away to meet people from different cultures. More than a vacation, it’s a journey of self discovery where you let go of fear and push yourself beyond your limits. You get to experience a new world and the lives of those in it while giving back to their community, and you go by yourself. Therein lies the real magic because you aren’t doing it alone. You are in a group of people that have signed up to do the very thing you’re there to do. To put a pause on day-to-day life and learn about others and themselves. There is wonder in being strangers one moment and the next you’ve shared a life changing experience that connects you forever.
We get to travel with the most diverse and interesting people from around the world including the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean, the U.K., and various parts of Africa. Some are seasoned travelers while others are flying for the first time when they come on one of our trips. They’re from different backgrounds and have varying life experiences under their belt, but they are brought together by a common thread – they’re bold enough to step out into the world alone within the comforts of our group. Our travelers have adventurous spirits willing to explore a new land with perfect strangers. They come with generous hearts that want to set aside a day to volunteer. They’re open-minded and eager to experience a culture completely different from their own. It’s no wonder our trips are filled with magic!
We live in a vast world and who knows if your paths would have crossed otherwise, but the desire to get out of your comfort zone and do something for others brings you together in a serendipitous way. People that have met on our trips become friends and meet in one another’s city. We see pictures of their ongoing adventures together on social media, and sometimes we’re lucky enough to witness their lasting friendships first hand. On our Kenya 2018 trip, a group that was in the lion truck together on the safari bonded and decided they would travel together on our Morocco trip a few months later. Go, Team Lion! These once in a lifetime moments our travelers share makes them into family.
As a travel club we do our best to plan wonderful experiences for you, but you – the curious, the generous, the wanderers – you are the ones that create the magic that flows through each One Love Travel Club adventure.